Opening Children's Minds for Easier Learning
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What Our Clients Are Saying

"...the most effective one (program) that has made remarkable improvements with our son, was called PACE. Using this program, Jordan has made significant progress. We have also seen much improvments in Jordan when it comes to retaining information, focusing and processing information. We must comment that the individualized approach has been significantly successful. We highly recommend that ability of the instructors..., the program, and the approach for parents that are searching for a method that works."
-Clifton Park

"The greatest results I noticed with my child were his ability to focus and concentrate. Before the (PACE) program, he would not be able to sit doing homework for any length of time without looking around the room or getting out of his seat. Now he tries hard to focus and concentrate to complete his tasks."

"Robert has improved immensely and is able to sit alone to work on homework which he has never been able to do. He is now able to complete an assignment after being shown how to do the first one...He is also completing his assignments much quicker. He reads for longer periods of time without getting frustrated and he is actually reading on his own at his desk - without me! Robert is now able to come to me for help when he is faced with not being able to figure something out himself."

"Holden benefited tremendously from the PACE program. We would definitely recommend it to others. Holden went from having very low self esteem, no confidence and high anxiety to having very good self esteem, he is now confident and his anxiety has been decreased tremendously. He is now doing extremely well in school this year."

"In sixth grade, my daughter's private school wanted to kick her out because of her learning difficulties. We were devastated! After Listening Therapy and Occupational Therapy, she remarked that she could hear the head teacher in the assemble. (You mean you couldn't before?!?!) After Vision Therapy she remarked that she could see the football come all the way to her. (You mean you couldn't before?!?!) After cognitive training, PACE, her math teacher said it was a miracle that she couldn't do math before, but now she could. After reading training, she remarked, "I never could have read this gum wrapper." One other remark she made was, "Mom, I hate your stupid programs, but they work!"
-Ballston Spa

"My 11-year-old son, Jonathan, had severe visual, motor and speech problems and his school was at a loss as far as how to help him. Kathy Johnson and Pam Grandin, at Hunter Learning Solutions, evaluated him and set up a program to address his individual needs. They also recommended classroom modifications for reading and writing which would allow Jonathan to demonstrate what he knows, rather than being frustrated. I can't say enough about the changes we've seen in Jonathan as a result of the Listen, Move and Learn program. He has a better sense of where his body is in space, his coordination is greatly improved, he can now kick a soccer ball and enjoys playing softball with his dad. His fine-motor has improved, resulting in better handwriting and coloring. His reading is improving, as is his self concept. The most remarkable change we have noticed is Jonathan's awareness of and ability to communicate what he's feeling and thinking. Now if I'm giving him too many directions at once, he'll say, 'Stop! That's too much!'. Before, he wouldn't have let us know there was a problem. He is really blossoming!

"Jonathan has had various types of therapy since he was four years old, but Hunter Learning Solutions is the first program where we have really seen a dramatic improvement. In fact, we were so impressed, that we started our older son in Listen, Move and Learn, too. Not only my husband and I, but also his teachers and our friends have noticed a dramatic change in his behavior. This program speaks for itself!"

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Hunter Learning Solutions LLC
28 Washington Street
Ballston Spa, NY 12020