Opening Children's Minds for Easier Learning

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Where do you go when your child struggles?

At Hunter Learning Solutions, we believe in treating the entire child, not just putting bandages on the obvious issues.

That's why we screen for deficiencies at every level of the learning ladder. By starting at the bottom and working up, we are able to identify weaknesses at the lower levels of learning which are affecting the upper levels of learning.

A comprehensive evaluation process is used to determine at what level your child should start re-training their learning skills. Tested and researched programs are then implemented in addition to making referrals to other specialists when needed. We also offer guarantees with each program.

Specializing in evaluations, treatment and referrals in the following skill areas:

  • Processing Speed
  • Working Memory
  • Visual Processing
  • Vision Therapy
  • Word Attack
  • Auditory Analysis
  • Auditory Processing
  • Logic & Reasoning
  • Selective Attention
  • Sensory Integration

Also working with students in the following academic areas:

  • Reading
  • Math
  • Writing

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Over 250 local children enjoyed Corduroy!

We smashed last year's participation and nearly doubled the number of children who got to listen to this wonderful story. Special thanks to our local supporters:

  • Coffee Planet
  • Storyville Cards & Gifts
  • Ballston Spa Public Library
  • Little Angels Nursery School
  • Ballston Area Community Center
  • Las Mariposis Language Center
  • Malta Montessori
  • Ballston Spa Middle School - Mrs. Schmitz's Spanish classes

Nationally, this year's campaign was the most historic to date, with over 425,000 participants we shattered last year's record for the largest shared reading experience in world history!

Read for the Record event

One day. One book. For children everywhere. October 2, 2008.

Can you imagine your childhood without your favorite stories Neither can we. But the fact is that most children in low income communities have few, if any, age appropriate books in their homes. The number of books in a home is the single strongest indicator of a child's future reading ability – setting him or her on a track for success in school and in life.

Help us bring national attention to the importance of early childhood education by making Jumpstart’s Read for the Record the largest shared reading experience ever. You can make a difference just by reading with one child in your life. Even better, help put a copy of Corduroy into the hands of a child by purchasing a book at www.readfortherecord.org/books.

Please visit www.readfortherecord.org for more details.

During the 2007 event,more than 258,000 children across the nation and over 140 children in our area alone enjoyed The Story of Ferdinand. It was a pleasure to see so many children sharing the same book and to hear how many parents have fond memories of this classic story about being true to yourself.

Meet Danny: The Face of Autism

I would like to introduce you to Danny.

Danny is currently a Kindergartener in a Maryland public school. He is a beautiful, smiley boy in a regular classroom who is keeping up nicely with his classmates, both socially and academically.

But is hasn't always been that way for Danny...

Please click here to read Danny's story.

At Hunter Learning Solutions children are trained to overcome learning problems by making permanent changes in the way they think and learn. For more information about getting help for autism, sensory issues, or other learning challenges, please contact us at 518-441-4236.

See our featured article in the September issue of  "Our Towne - Ballston Spa"!

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